We accept enrolments from Kindergarten to Year 6.
If your child will be 4 years old by 30 June 2025 they can start kindergarten in 2025.
Application for Enrolment Form
A parent or legal guardian applying to enrol a child in a government school should complete this form. Only permanent residents of Australia and those children holding an approved visa sub class number are eligible to be enrolled in government schools.
Before you submit this application, please contact the school to find out about the school policies and whether required courses and facilities are available for your child. Please complete one form for each child and attach proof of your usual place of residence to this application form. An example of this would be a utilities account (electricity, water or telephone) showing your name and usual place of residence.
This is an Application for Enrolment only – submitting this form to the school does not mean that the enrolment has been accepted by the school. The principal will firstly need to determine if there is classroom accommodation and whether an appropriate educational program can be provided for your child at the school. In determining whether an appropriate educational program can be provided for your child at the school, the Principal will need to fully consider the information provided in Section 3 on the application form.
You will be notified by the school Principal if your application has or has not been accepted at the earliest possible opportunity. In the majority of cases, parents/guardians will be advised within 48 hours. For parents applying to enrol their children in schools for next year, you will be advised of the outcome of your application by early fourth term.
If your application is accepted, you will be required to complete enrolment procedures at the school. Parents/guardians should ensure that their child’s birth certificate, immunisation records, school reports, records and samples of work from the previous school, and any Family Court Orders or parenting plans registered with the Family Court, are made available at the time of enrolment.
NB: It is a requirement of the Department of Education that any information on suspensions and exclusions must be provided to the school at the time of applying to enrol a child. This information will help the school to provide your child with the appropriate support, if required. Children currently under suspension from a government school can not be enrolled at another government school until the suspension period is over. Children who have previously been suspended or excluded from a government school may be required to enter into a behaviour agreement with the school if enrolment is accepted.
If you are applying to attend a school other than your local school, transport will be your responsibility. All enquiries regarding school bus services should be directed either to the school where the “Application for Enrolment” is being submitted or to the Department of Transport.
Should you disagree with a school’s decision regarding your “Application for Enrolment” you can appeal to the District Education Office in the district in which the school is located. The District Office will then seek to verify whether the process for managing the enrolment decision at the school complied with departmental policies and guidelines. Prior to submitting an appeal, however, it is recommended that you contact the school principal or the Manager District Operations at the district office to discuss your grievance informally. Appeal forms are available from either the school or the district office.
For parents of students with a disability – If you are still in dispute with the decision about placement of your child, you may request an independent review of the decision. You should put your request in writing to the Director-General, through the relevant District Director. A Disabilities Advisory Panel will be convened by the Executive Director, Education Programs to review the placement decision. An opportunity will be provided by the panel for you to present your case. The District Director will be able to provide you with detailed information about the panel.
All information provided on this form will be treated confidentially. The Department of Education’s Information Privacy and Security Policy and Section 242 of the School Education Act 1999 preclude this information from being used for any purpose other than:
- to determine whether your application for enrolment can be accepted;
- to assist the school with addressing any needs for your child if enrolment is accepted; or
- to comply with legal requirements or ministerial directions.
Application for Kindergarten Program
The process for applying for places in early childhood education programs has changed recently and it is important that you are aware of the procedures that are followed for the placement of children into kindergarten programs.
Application for a kindergarten place should be made at the school you wish your child to attend.
Please apply to only one government school, private school for a place for your child. Lodging more than one application does not increase the chances of your child being placed in any particular kindergarten program and can jeopardise the placement of other children. If more that one application is lodged you will be requested to withdraw second and subsequent applications.
Children are most likely to be offered a place in the kindergarten program of choice if the preferred location is a local school.
If you are applying to place your child into kindergarten program at a school other than at the school nearest to your home address you should be aware that;
- children are enrolled into kindergarten programs on the basis of proximity of the school or to the child’s home address. An application for a kindergarten place in a school other than at the location nearest to the home address is less likely to be successful.
- as children are enrolled into kindergarten programs on the basis of proximity of the school to the child’s home address and application for a place at an alternative school may jeopardise the chance of a placement into the local school.
- the offer of a place in a kindergarten program at any school does not guarantee placement in the pre-primary program at the same school for the following year.
- younger brothers and sisters may not necessarily be placed in the same school in later years.
- formal enrolment into a kindergarten program at any government school is conditional on a representative of the school sighting the child’s birth certificate and
- Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement, no more than two months old, with a status of ‘up to date’; or
- an AIR Immunisation History Statement, no more than two months old, showing the child is ‘not up to date’ and on an approved catch up schedule; or
- a valid immunisation certificate issued or declared by the Chief Health Officer.
Please email your enrolment application to Dunsborough.PS.Enrolments@education.wa.edu.au