P&C Association

Dunsborough Primary School P&C is an active organisation of parent and community volunteers which operates under the banner of the Western Australian Council of State School Organisation. (WACSSO).  It aims to support the school vision; “We want our school to be a safe and supportive learning environment where every child’s academic, social and physical needs can be met.”

We raise money to invest in services and resources to enhance the learning programs offered at school.  We work closely with the school to identify needs and direct funds to support those needs.  We provide an invaluable volunteer support base that contributes to the education of our children.

The community of parents and friends of the school contributes to the well being of the school’s children in many ways – this is an opportunity to be involved and help with your children’s education.

Parents and Citizens’ Associations are established under the School Education Act 1999 for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system for the benefit of all students.

The functions of a P&C are to:

  • Encourage parents to participate in developing the school’s educational policy.
  • Develop parent participation and involvement in the school.
  • Be the forum for parents to discuss issues pertaining to the school and its community and for gathering opinions.Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community and to bring educational matters to the attention of the wider community.
  • Have representation on the School Board.
  • Provide extra amenities for the benefit of government school students.

We would love you to join us to contribute ideas and action of a range of issues affecting the school.

Our involvement shows our children that we care about their school and the facilities and activities they enjoy there.

How to get involved

The P&C welcomes new members – even if you can’t make it to all P&C meetings you can still be involved. Parents can get involved with the P&C in a number of ways:

  • Volunteer to participate in any of the P&C activities that occur throughout the year including the School Canteen. Any level of involvement is greatly appreciated.
  • Become a Class Representative for your Classroom (CLO)
  • Meetings are advertised in the School Newsletter.
  • Refer to the Term Planner fo P&C Meetings.

We would love you to join us to contribute ideas and action of a range of issues affecting the school.