The School Psychology Service provides a specialist psychological assessment, intervention and consultation service for schools.
The service supports schools in three main areas:
- Working with students, parents and the school to identify and change target behaviours at the individual, group and systemic level.
- Conducting assessments of students experiencing learning difficulties and/or disabilities at school
- Supporting the school in making appropriate curriculum adjustments for students in order to enhance the child’s learning outcomes.
- The School Psychologist is also involved in whole school programs as well as teacher policy development, staff training and student workshops.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Providing direct support for students experiencing mental health and wellbeing difficulties.
- Assisting the school and children to maximise the development of positive mental health and wellbeing.
The School Psychologist can also be involved in the referral process to specialist services. An interagency partnership exists to support students in the school.
Accessing the School Psychologist
Currently the school has access to the School Psychology Service for 2 days per week.
The work of School Psychologist is driven by school needs. Appointments are arranged via the Administration team (student services). This provides families the opportunity to discuss their concerns and any further actions are negotiated. These concerns may be related to academic achievement, peer relations, behaviour difficulties or personal adjustment.
The School Psychologists may work directly with students (individually or in small groups/ whole classes) or through the teacher or parents.
Triple P Program
The School Psychologist also endorses the Positive Parenting Program known as Triple P. Regular workshops are conducted throughout the year and are advertised in the school newsletter.
Visit further information abut the Triple P Program at Department of Education website.