Academic Extensions

Ensuring students are challenged academically and given every opportunity to achieve to the highest level they can is a major focus for our school.

Within each class, teachers provide a differentiated curriculum that caters for the academic needs and capabilities of each and every student.

Teachers at Dunsborough Primary use a range of teaching strategies, such as inquiry based learning, cooperative learning, goal setting and having a growth mindset, to ensure capable students are consistently challenged and encouraged to extend their understandings. 

Students in Years 5 and 6 identified, through state wide testing conducted in Year 4, as having high academic potential are invited to participate in the Education Department’s Primary Academic and Challenge Program (PEAC).

This program, run by a specialist PEAC Teacher, brings together all of the PEAC students from schools in the Busselton area during the year to meet and engage in a number of academic extension and enrichment courses.