
Students are naturally curious, making science an ideal subject to learn. It allows students to explore their world and discover new things. Science is an active subject, with hands on investigations to support students to develop scientific inquiry methods, a foundation of knowledge across the disciplines of science, and develop the ability to communicate scientific understanding.

At Dunsborough Primary School, all students participate in a comprehensive science curriculum to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, the contribution of science to our culture and society, and the application of science in our lives.

From K-2, students develop their awareness of self and the local world. Asking questions, leads to testing of ideas with exploration and purposeful play at the centre of investigation. Observation is developed in dynamic ways, leading to describing, comparing and sorting.

From Years 3 – 6, students recognise that questions can be investigated scientifically, and a broad range of science concepts will be explored. As students progress, the expectation is that students work in a more systematic way. The notion of a “fair test” and the idea of variables will be developed and the importance of measurement fostered.

Science is taught by classroom teachers using Primary Connections: Linking science with literacy which is the Australian Academy of Science’s flagship primary school science program. In addition, science understanding is often achieved through integrated STE(A)M learning projects that teach students technological literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving through science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

At Dunsborough Primary School, students have the opportunity to participate in whole school events and initiatives to explore local, national and global issues. These events provide greater scope for students to develop the skills and scientific knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Science Week

National Science Week is an annual celebration of science and technology, running each year in August. Dunsborough participates in National Science Week to encourage an interest in science pursuits. Science Week activities include incursions, engaging science shows and displays, science competitions and movie screenings.